Monday, January 13, 2014

Penis extenders results. Premature Ejaculation

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Many couples are often very good together, but break up because of problems in bed. This is something that can be cured. You can cure pre-mature ejaculation, but it takes both partners to solve this, and it will take the two of your working together, and going at a pace that ensures results.

Since the man is the one finishing fast, the woman has to be the moderator of the speed to fix the problem. Just don't be in a hurry. Chances are this is a long-standing problem, and there will not be a quick fix. However, if you follow the suggestions below, you will see results from the next session. I would suggest rather than reading this to the man, you suggest these to him personally, but it is up to you. So let's see how to fix this.

Firstly, you cannot fix something unless you know why it is broken or not working. So you must be very observant, and patient! Try and notice if:

Your guy is very anxious before sex. Is he nervous?

See also: Penis extenders results

Your guy is in a hurry? Does he act as if sex is a race to orgasm?

Your guy is on some kind of medication for a long-term complaint?

Your guy's diet is heavy on red meat, and light on vegetables and fruit?

Your guy has had very little sexual experiences and you are among his first?

Your guy is overweight? Under exercised?

Your guy has a stress problem at work, with his family, with his own image?
If you can answer yes in any of the above, you are nearing perhaps the cause of the problem; and that problem is that he finishes too fast for him or you to enjoy your sexual relations. So what can you do? The solution falls into three basic categories, as do the symptoms above. Here they are;

1. A physical problem.

This has to do with your guys weight, his diet, his state of health, his state of being in shape, and if there are really any health problems. If there are health problems, your guy has to see a doctor, or if he is seeing one, and on medication, have him explain he is ejaculating pre-maturely.

The problem might also be a small penis, a mis-shaped one, a too big one (yes, there can be such a thing) and this is a whole subject on its own. If he is ok, but has one of the other problems, that is, weight, out of shape, and so on, get involved with him to correct it. Exercise with him, supervise his diet, and so on. Be interested. This investment in your guy will pay dividends right from the start.

2. A problem of stress?

This is perhaps the #1 cause of pre-mature ejaculation. The stress can be about his work, his family, himself, and worry about his performance with you. Here you can really help a lot by being the sympathetic ear, and re-assuring partner. If you see your guy stressful, calm him down.

Change the subject. Make him laugh. Get his mind off of the stress. If its money worries, try and make him feel that money is not all of everything, and so on. If his worry is about his performance with you, you can tell him its not a problem and that together you will work out your relations and last longer each time. More on this below.

3. A problem of inexperience.

Not many guys will admit it, but some men, in fact many men, have had just a bit of sexual experience. Their knowledge of sex in general is lacking, and even the basic knowledge on how to make love is minimal. A man in such a condition is bound to finish too quickly, as he does not know (through experience) the great feeling that long-lasting lovemaking can bring.

If you follow the above points and work with your partner you can overcome premature ejacualtion together.

See also: Penis extenders results

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